Aqualot AMF
Measurement of moisture
Determines moisture content via microwave damping / phase shifting
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Microwave damping / phase shifting
The Aqualot AMF sends microwaves through the moist product web. The water in the product causes damping and phase shifting of the microwaves. The material moisture can be determined by comparing the output and input signals.
Product Highlights
- Measuring the total aqueous material moisture, contactless and non-destructive
- High measuring accuracy
- Optimisation of drying and application processes in regard to homogeneity, productivity and energy efficiency
Customer benefits
- Non-destructive, continuous determination of the moisture (H2O) of product webs
- High stability and measuring accuracy with minimal calibration effort
- Long life expectance through the use of high-quality components
The Aqualot AMF permits the exact determination of the total material moisture. The measurement is contactless and non-destructive. The ascertained moisture value can be supplied to a controller as actual value to regulate the web speed, dryer output or squeezing pressure.
Continuous, exact and non-contacting monitoring of the moisture content of meter goods is extremely import for the quality and productivity in many process control processes in the nonwovens, textile, paper and plastics industry as well as in coating technology.
- Moisture measurement of textiles, carpets, tyre fabric, nonwovens, glass mats, paper, cardboard, foils, ceramic foil, adhesive tape, abrasives, veneering, sponge cloth, etc.
- Application measurement of water-soluble coatings (e.g. colour, glue or foam)
- Measurement of intermediate moisture
- Residual moisture measurement after dryers
- Online monitoring of dying processes
- Contactless measurement of the size application