Antistat AMW-12
Discharge system for static charge
- Afghanistan (AFG)
- Åland (ALA)
- Albania (ALB)
- Algeria (DZA)
- American Samoa (ASM)
- Andorra (AND)
- Angola (AGO)
- Anguilla (AIA)
- Antarctica (ATA)
- Antigua and Barbuda (ATG)
- Argentina (ARG)
- Armenia (ARM)
- Aruba (ABW)
- Australia (AUS)
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- Azerbaijan (AZE)
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- Belize (BLZ)
- Benin (BEN)
- Bermuda (BMU)
- Bhutan (BTN)
- Bolivia (BOL)
- Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (BES)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)
- Botswana (BWA)
- Bouvet Island (BVT)
- Brazil (BRA)
- British Indian Ocean Territory (IOT)
- British Virgin Islands (VGB)
- Brunei (BRN)
- Bulgaria (BGR)
- Burkina Faso (BFA)
- Burundi (BDI)
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- Cameroon (CMR)
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- Cayman Islands (CYM)
- Central African Republic (CAF)
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- China (CHN)
- Christmas Island (CXR)
- Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CCK)
- Colombia (COL)
- Comoros (COM)
- Congo (COD)
- Congo-Brazzaville (COG)
- Cook Islands (COK)
- Costa Rica (CRI)
- Côte d’Ivoire (CIV)
- Croatia (HRV)
- Cuba (CUB)
- Curaçao (CUW)
- Cyprus (CYP)
- Czech Republic (CZE)
- Denmark (DNK)
- Djibouti (DJI)
- Dominica (DMA)
- Dominican Republic (DOM)
- Ecuador (ECU)
- Egypt (EGY)
- El Salvador (SLV)
- Equatorial Guinea (GNQ)
- Eritrea (ERI)
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- Ethiopia (ETH)
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- Faroes (FRO)
- Fiji (FJI)
- Finland (FIN)
- France (FRA)
- French Guiana (GUF)
- French Polynesia (PYF)
- French Southern Territories (ATF)
- Gabon (GAB)
- Gambia (GMB)
- Georgia (GEO)
- Germany (DEU)
- Ghana (GHA)
- Gibraltar (GIB)
- Greece (GRC)
- Greenland (GRL)
- Grenada (GRD)
- Guadeloupe (GLP)
- Guam (GUM)
- Guatemala (GTM)
- Guernsey (GGY)
- Guinea (GIN)
- Guinea-Bissau (GNB)
- Guyana (GUY)
- Haiti (HTI)
- Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HMD)
- Honduras (HND)
- Hong Kong SAR of China (HKG)
- Hungary (HUN)
- Iceland (ISL)
- India (IND)
- Indonesia (IDN)
- Iran (IRN)
- Iraq (IRQ)
- Ireland (IRL)
- Isle of Man (IMN)
- Israel (ISR)
- Italy (ITA)
- Jamaica (JAM)
- Japan (JPN)
- Jersey (JEY)
- Jordan (JOR)
- Kazakhstan (KAZ)
- Kenya (KEN)
- Kiribati (KIR)
- Kuwait (KWT)
- Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)
- Laos (LAO)
- Latvia (LVA)
- Lebanon (LBN)
- Lesotho (LSO)
- Liberia (LBR)
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- Liechtenstein (LIE)
- Lithuania (LTU)
- Luxembourg (LUX)
- Macao SAR of China (MAC)
- Macedonia (MKD)
- Madagascar (MDG)
- Malawi (MWI)
- Malaysia (MYS)
- Maldives (MDV)
- Mali (MLI)
- Malta (MLT)
- Marshall Islands (MHL)
- Martinique (MTQ)
- Mauritania (MRT)
- Mauritius (MUS)
- Mayotte (MYT)
- Mexico (MEX)
- Micronesia (FSM)
- Moldova (MDA)
- Monaco (MCO)
- Mongolia (MNG)
- Montenegro (MNE)
- Montserrat (MSR)
- Morocco (MAR)
- Mozambique (MOZ)
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- Namibia (NAM)
- Nauru (NRU)
- Nepal (NPL)
- Netherlands (NLD)
- New Caledonia (NCL)
- New Zealand (NZL)
- Nicaragua (NIC)
- Niger (NER)
- Nigeria (NGA)
- Niue (NIU)
- Norfolk Island (NFK)
- North Korea (PRK)
- Northern Marianas (MNP)
- Norway (NOR)
- Oman (OMN)
- Pakistan (PAK)
- Palau (PLW)
- Palestine (PSE)
- Panama (PAN)
- Papua New Guinea (PNG)
- Paraguay (PRY)
- Peru (PER)
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- Pitcairn Islands (PCN)
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- Portugal (PRT)
- Puerto Rico (PRI)
- Qatar (QAT)
- Reunion (REU)
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- Russia (RUS)
- Rwanda (RWA)
- Saint Barthélemy (BLM)
- Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (SHN)
- Saint Kitts and Nevis (KNA)
- Saint Lucia (LCA)
- Saint Martin (MAF)
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon (SPM)
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT)
- Samoa (WSM)
- San Marino (SMR)
- São Tomé e Príncipe (STP)
- Saudi Arabia (SAU)
- Senegal (SEN)
- Serbia (SRB)
- Seychelles (SYC)
- Sierra Leone (SLE)
- Singapore (SGP)
- Sint Maarten (SXM)
- Slovakia (SVK)
- Slovenia (SVN)
- Solomon Islands (SLB)
- Somalia (SOM)
- South Africa (ZAF)
- South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGS)
- South Korea (KOR)
- South Sudan (SSD)
- Spain (ESP)
- Sri Lanka (LKA)
- Sudan (SDN)
- Suriname (SUR)
- Svalbard (SJM)
- Swaziland (SWZ)
- Sweden (SWE)
- Switzerland (CHE)
- Syria (SYR)
- Taiwan (TWN)
- Tajikistan (TJK)
- Tanzania (TZA)
- Thailand (THA)
- The Bahamas (BHS)
- Timor-Leste (TLS)
- Togo (TGO)
- Tokelau (TKL)
- Tonga (TON)
- Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)
- Tunisia (TUN)
- Turkey (TUR)
- Turkmenistan (TKM)
- Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA)
- Tuvalu (TUV)
- Uganda (UGA)
- Ukraine (UKR)
- United Arab Emirates (ARE)
- United Kingdom (GBR)
- United States (USA)
- United States Minor Outlying Islands (UMI)
- Uruguay (URY)
- US Virgin Islands (VIR)
- Uzbekistan (UZB)
- Vanuatu (VUT)
- Vatican City (VAT)
- Venezuela (VEN)
- Vietnam (VNM)
- Wallis and Futuna (WLF)
- Western Sahara (ESH)
- Yemen (YEM)
- Zambia (ZMB)
- Zimbabwe (ZWE)
Ionisation of the air
The Antistat AMW ioniser for trouble-free processing of synthetic materials and of textiles with high charge separation. By ionising the ambient air, the electrostatic charge is diverted from the product sheet. Antistat AMW can be used at high or low speeds.
Product Highlights
- Complete ionisation of the air
- Suitable for high and low product speeds
Customer benefits
- Troublefree operation
- Greater product quality
- Reduced risk of accidents
Electrostatic charges may significantly interfere with various production processes and become rather troublesome. If the polarity of the charges differs, their attractive and repulsive forces not only affect the warp threads. They cause sheets of papers to cling together, feathers and fibres develop lumps and attract dirt particles from everywhere onto surfaces that should be clear and clean.
Sudden discharges of highly charged coils, rollers, spools, bales or carts when touched accidentally are unpleasant and may trigger hazardous reactions.
The elimination of electrostatic charges is therefore indispensable for many production processes to ensure troublefree operation!
The Antistat AMW generates conducting air. High alternating voltage, applied through large series resistors to the needles of the ionizer rods, creates strong electrical fields around the needle tips. The molecules of the air are split (ionized) in the area of these fields; the air around the tips becomes conductive and can discharge the electrical charge from the charged object when reaching it.
Electrostatic charges are eliminated. The production process can be conducted smooth and troublefree.

When winding fabric, especially in case of synthetic products, the materials may become electrostatically charged due to friction. Discharge is absolutely required to allow processing the product further without defect and hazard-free for the machine operator.

The product may continue becoming statically charged while running through the production line. To avoid risks for workers and damages to the material, the product should be discharged once more during plaiting. The ends of the swivel range are a suitable location, for example.

When the product is sized, the threads become electrostatically charged while drying on drum driers or by rubbing against each other. Threads may tear as a result or run unevenly. Discharge immediately before the loom beam makes sure that the weft threads can be wound without problem.

The warping machine is used to prepare loom beams for the weaving mill. During this process the fibres normally run through eyes or combs. There they become charged and can therefore repel one another. Fibre breaks or irregular entry into the shear rod are the result when the product is not discharged.
The device can be used wherever static charge of webs is a problem
- Batching
- Plaiters
- Sizing machines
- Warping machines
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