mCast exhaust air humidity control | How to optimise exhaust air humidity in textile dryers

mCast process control Exhaust Air Moisture

We show you how you can precisely monitor the exhaust air humidity in textile dryers and thus save money.

Just like on the mats and in the boxing rings at the Olympic Games, there is a constant battle going on in the textile dryers of a production plant. On the one hand, you have to get rid of excess moisture that evaporates from the fabric. On the other hand, there is so much heat and energy in this steam that you would like to keep. The key here is to find the right balance. That's why Stephan Kehry, Product Manager for Textiles, shows in the new Mahlo mCast episode how to monitor precisely this exhaust air humidity in textile dryers and regulate it for an optimal result.

mCast Exhaust Air Moisture