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mLog enhanced
Data analysis and management

All data can be viewed and analysed on an interactive user interface (GUI). Scrolling, zooming, fine comparison, data picker and other functions are available to allow the user a thorough and comfortable analysis of his process.

The heatmap visualization creates so-called "digital twins" of the web. All measured parameters (thickness, weight, moisture ...) are highlighted in color according to their target values.
In this way, the quality profile of the fabric can be analyzed with centimeter precision.

mLog: Measurement data from Mahlo instruments can be logged, displayed and stored for quality documentation. A powerful search function makes finding the logs you are looking for child's play.

Hits are already displayed from the first character onwards. Search filters can be used to narrow down the results further. So you can find your desired reports quickly

Permanent recording of all process data within the Mahlo machine network
Recording duration varies depending on the recording interval, but at least 1.5 years
RAID-1 function ensures high data security

Here the report layout can be configured, an existing view selected or a new one created. This template contains the elements that are logged and displayed in a PDF file. Several reports can be generated simultaneously.
The user also has the option of creating identical reports in different languages, for example, if a different language is required for the customer than for his own documentation. The user defines
which logs are currently actively recorded.

The selected protocol can be displayed in the protocol viewer. Zooming and scrolling facilitates the usage.
The protocol can be printed out, saved as a PDF, sent by e-mail or displayed in an external PDF viewer.

Clear, individually configured PDF reports can be created for forwarding and documentation. These can be triggered manually, by the display and operating station of the Mahlo device or automatically preset by events.
The logs can be displayed in the user interface, saved, printed or immediately sent by e-mail.
- Afghanistan (AFG)
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- Congo-Brazzaville (COG)
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- Croatia (HRV)
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- Curaçao (CUW)
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- Djibouti (DJI)
- Dominica (DMA)
- Dominican Republic (DOM)
- Ecuador (ECU)
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- El Salvador (SLV)
- Equatorial Guinea (GNQ)
- Eritrea (ERI)
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- Fiji (FJI)
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- France (FRA)
- French Guiana (GUF)
- French Polynesia (PYF)
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- Georgia (GEO)
- Germany (DEU)
- Ghana (GHA)
- Gibraltar (GIB)
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- Grenada (GRD)
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- Guinea-Bissau (GNB)
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- Niger (NER)
- Nigeria (NGA)
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- Norfolk Island (NFK)
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- Tonga (TON)
- Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)
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- Vatican City (VAT)
- Venezuela (VEN)
- Vietnam (VNM)
- Wallis and Futuna (WLF)
- Western Sahara (ESH)
- Yemen (YEM)
- Zambia (ZMB)
- Zimbabwe (ZWE)
The mLog software is an application for data logging and interactive analysis of historical data for Mahlo equipment. The desktop application runs on an office PC and provides a comfortable creation of quality protocols. An optimised user interface with an excellent "look and feel" makes data transfer a breeze. The additional storage capacity also ensures that relevant data can still be available decades later.
All data can be viewed and analysed on an interactive user interface (GUI). Scrolling, zooming, fine comparison, data picker and other functions are available to allow the user a thorough and comfortable analysis of his process. An advanced search function with filter categories makes finding stored logs easy and fast. In the protocol viewer the protocol can then be displayed, printed, saved or sent by e-mail.
Product Highlights
- Continuous recording within the Mahlo LAN
- Protocol generation based on historical data
- Optimised search function
- Interactive data analysis on the PC and logs of historical data
- Interface to customer systems (ERP, MES, SCADA)
Customer benefits
- Secure data logging of the entire production line
- Fast detection of error sources in the production line
- Quickly finding logs searched for
- Simple data exchange and further data processing
- High data security even in case of network problems
User Interface (GUI on customer PC)
- Quick: Optimised search function
Display of search hits already from the first character, simple narrowing down of the hit selection - Efficient: Data analysis functions
Analysis tools such as scrolling, zooming, fine comparison, data picker etc. are available - Clearly arranged: PDF Viewer function (View + Export)
The reports with all key information items are displayed in PDF format allowing them to be saved or sent. - Secure: Report generation based on historical data
The user selects individual data for a report afterwards and specifies settings such as language or units. - Convenient: High degree of automation
The user sets when a report is generated automatically. For example, after every 200 m of product run, roll change, recipe change, etc. - Versatile: Expanded report settings
Amongst others, the user can design his own sequence of process variables. - Individual: Configuration of the report type
The user can configure different report types individually in advance (batch, shift, daily logs,...) - Practical: Predefined report templates
A wide range of frequently used reports are available as templates - Reliable: Monitoring and maintenance of the Edge Server
The status and condition of the database server can be monitored directly from the software. - Future-proof: Works on Linux and Windows systems (Win 7 and later)
Edge-Server (Database)
- Continuous recording of all process data
As soon as the production line is running, the data is automatically and securely recorded within the Mahlo LAN - Recording duration min. 1.5 years
Depending on the number and equipment of the Mahlo units in a line - RAID 1 for data security
Continuous mirroring of the hard disks ensures high data security - Linux with file system protection
File Security System protects the operating system from threats - Interface to mLog GUI via customer LAN
The data is transferred to the desktop software via the existing customer network - Interface to customer systems (ERP, MES, SCADA, etc.)
Custom adaptations to existing EDP solutions are possible
Mahlo device connection (GUI on Mahlo control and display station)
User Interface for maintaining and managing report data
Here users can enter important information such as customer name, item number or batch. Later this information will contribute to the search.Interface to different Mahlo devices (e.g. Orthopac FMC, Optipac VMC, Qualiscan QMS, etc.)
Various Mahlo devices of a production line can be coupled to the mLog.
Component | Minimum equipment | Recommended equipment |
Operating System | Windows 7 | Windows 10 |
Processor | Intel Core i3 | minimum equipment or better |
RAM | 4 GB | 8 GB or more |
Flash memory | SSD or M.2 (with 128 GB) | minimum equipment or better |
Resolution | 1920 x 1080 | 1920 x 1080 |
Graphic card | onBoard-graphics | onBoard-graphics |
Ports | 4 x USB 2 x LAN | 4 x USB 3 x LAN |