about data analysis with Mahlo's mLog Enhanced Software
Let's ask...Ralph Eggelsberger
We fired some quick questions to our Head of Software Engineering Ralph Eggelsberger about the importance of data analysis with our mLog.
mLog Enhanced is offering „interactive data analysis” – what does it mean?
Besides the fact that mLog Enhanced is continuously collecting and storing data from the connected Mahlo systems, it offers additionally the option to directly take a closer look onto the data without the need to use any third party software. The so called “Enhanced view” is displaying the data and also enables you to analyze it immediately in a very intuitive way. Zooming, dragging and picking single data points to get more information out of it are just some of the options that mLog offers to the user to “interact” with the data.
Why is this such an important feature?
Nobody who is involved in daily production business is interested in having to deal with lots of different software applications to get any information on the machines and processes. Nevertheless, analyzing data and improving the processes is becoming more and more important in these days. The “interactive data analysis” feature of mLog is providing the user with a quick and easy way to have a closer look on his products without having to spend much time in tools and infrastructure for this.
What else are the basic features of mLog?
The report creation based on historical data is certainly one of the most powerful tools of mLog Enhanced. It allows customized reports and protocols on any data from the past. Further on one of the latest addons is a report editor for cutting out sections from existing reports for example. Also, this was designed to be most intuitive and fast in its handling. To make sure to achieve this goal we always work in close relation to our customers and integrate their requests into our agile development process.
Can you describe the key product of mLog - the “reports” - in a few sentences?
Reports provide a summary of data for a particular time frame. They can be configured and customized with regard to the data they include as well as the layout they have. The final output format can also be defined. Some customers prefer PDF reports, others want CSV files in order to do further evaluations via EXCEL on it. Everything is possible. The reporting itself can take place in real time during the process running on the machine, but also post-production reports are possible via historical report generation as mentioned before.