Orthopac GRVMC-15
Modular straightening and process control system for heavyweight materials

The reinforced weft straightener is well equipped for heavyweight materials like denim, carpet or industrial fabric.
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Heavy-duty weft straightening
The heavy duty version. High demands due to large product widths (e.g. carpet) or dimensionally stable textiles with defined skew settings (e.g. denim) require a more solid configuration. The frame, bearings and rollers are designed for high loads. Available with up to 5400 mm working width.
Product Highlights
- Heavy-duty construction
- Working widths of up to 5400 mm
- Suitable for tensional forces of up to 400 kg
Customer benefits
- Maintaining tight distortion tolerances
- Documentation of residual distortions
- Avoiding complaints
The Orthopac GRVMC is specifically constructed to withstand high mechanical loads. In particular, the specially reinforced hydraulic units for positioning the rollers ensure perfect straightening even under maximum tension-induced loading.
The straightener also features a solid, reinforced frame, reinforced roller bearings and larger diameter bow and skew rollers - a jumbo among straighteners. The scanners, electronics, control and display station, etc. correspond to the configuration of an Orthopac RVMC.
Also in that variant, all the scanners are still laterally adjustable. Processing speeds range from approx. 3 m/min (carpeting) to 250 m/min (industrial fabric).
- Denim
- Industrial fabric
- Raschel curtaining
- Glass-/carbon fibre wovens
- Carpeting
- Orthopac GRMM Straightener: Manual straightening machine without optical scanning system and control
The unit is available for use in conjunction with a PCS Pattern Control System either as a manually controlled straightener, or with provision for the addition of a retrofit scanning system. As with the Orthopac RVMC, it can be supplied in all forms of combi-systems.
Pattern detection
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