Orthopac RVMC-15 plus
Upgrade RVMC-15 ➨ RVMC-15 plus

No modifications to the production line required. Simply mount the new scanning module on existing weft straightener. Quick and easy software update.
Two scanning units, one before and one after the straightening rollers, combined with an AI-based controller concept, guarantee the greatest possible control over the straightening process and minimised residual distortion.

The newly designed scanning module makes it very easy to retrofit existing Orthopac RVMC–15 straighteners in the production line. This upgrades the device to an Orthopac RVMC–15 plus.

The Orthopac RVMC plus straightening system completes the RVMC / RXVMC model series.
Orthopac RVMC– Standard weft straightener
Orthopac RVMC plus– Additional scanning at the inlet and new control
Orthopac RXVMC– High-end straightening machine with 2 independent straightening modules
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Easy retrofit of an existing weft straightening system, type Orthopac RVMC–15
- Simply mount the new scanning module on existing weft straightener
- effortless mechanical and electrical connection
- no modifications to the production line required
- Quick and easy software update
- with new AI control
- including all other version changes
Two scanning units, one before and one after the straightening rollers, combined with an AI-based controller concept, guarantee the greatest possible control over the straightening process and minimised residual distortion.
Product Highlights
- Smooth retrofitting
- Combination of feed forward and closed loop control
- AI-based control system
- Reliable standard components
Customer benefits
- Precise control with high distortion dynamics
- Savings on raw materials
- Sustainable production through upcycling of existing machines
- Increased efficiency